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جايكون ماكينة للرافعات ceykon makine vinc

جايكون ماكينة للرافعات  ceykon makine vinc
Address: 1. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi. No : 9 Selçuklu / Konya 42300 Selçuklu Konya TR, Çarman Sk, 42110 Horozl ,konya ,Turkiye
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Elevator - Cranes
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Our company was founded in many years ago under different product groups and started manufacturing of cranes with principle of the most acceptable prices and highest guality to you, our highly respectable customers.We prosecute  our production in Industrial Zone now. 

In our company, we produce monorail, double girder, gantry and jib cranes elaborately and with all facilities that is provided by technology and by our expert technical and engineering team. Our production capacity tends toward progress trend in each year. Increasing our capacity by the rate of 20% as against each passing year. Our company has been competative even exterritory of Turkey betvveen competitors in vvorlds top popular markets besides serving excelently to our developing industry and industrialists. Our machines are currently exported to high-toned countries like Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, lraq, Jordan, Macedonia, Greece, Belgium, Croatia, Romania, Russia, Azerbaijan, Qatar...

We seized on philosophy of consistent customer satisfaction and improvement from sub to top grade.

We are happy to begin years one jump ahead than lastyear as both increasing our capacity and seizing on technological and scientific developments that was gained by 21 st century. We want to thankyou our worthy customers who are the most important cause in background of our development.

We are adding value to our existing values as intergating ali innovations which can be useful for you and follovving technological, scientific, administrative and culturel developments.

Our company which keeps forefront our customers satisfaction who are the source of our success, not only during sale but also in after-sales service developed its service çuality in order to solve your problems fastly and economically during 7days 24 hours. So we can reach each point latest in 1 day around in Turkey.

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