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  • Wodenfortis Laboratory and Chemical Materials Industry Foreign Trade Limited Company

Wodenfortis Laboratory and Chemical Materials Industry Foreign Trade Limited Company

Wodenfortis Laboratory and Chemical Materials Industry Foreign Trade Limited Company
Adresse: İzmir, Turkiye
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Our company is an approved food supplement producer in Turkey. There are currently 4 products. These; With the Vitalace Collagen product, we increase human well-being by relieving joint pain and restoring mobility. With our Vitalace Ironself product, we combine high bioavailability and ease of use with lipofer technology without the taste of iron. With our Vitalace Go-On product, we create a permanent appetite. With our herbal products and aromas, we can say that children especially love it, but also their appetite is whetted. Our Vitalace Coldimmun product, which also has herbal content, eliminates your influenza, cold and cough complaints within 24 hours.
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