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VİTAMİNA TARIM sanayi ve ticaret ltd şti

VİTAMİNA TARIM sanayi ve ticaret ltd şti
Adresse: Gaziler cad gaziler sokak no 6 kepez antalya ,Antalya ,+90 ,Turkiye
Personne de contact
Agriculture - Elevage
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Vitamina Tarım Organic Agriculture, Produced in Turkey, Consumed in the World!
Vitamina Tarım is one of the leading brands of organic agriculture for those who care about natural and healthy nutrition. Our organic products, which we carefully grow in the fertile lands of Turkey, offer the highest level of assurance in terms of freshness and quality. Our understanding of organic agriculture is based on natural and sustainable agricultural methods. No synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or harmful chemicals are used in our fields. Instead, we protect our plants with natural fertilizers and organic pest control methods. Thus, we obtain products grown in healthy and balanced ecosystems.
Gaziler cad gaziler sokak no 6 kepez antalya ,Antalya ,+90 ,Turkiye

 VITAMINA TARıM - Gaziler caddesi gaziler sokak 296/6 kepez antalya ,Antalya     (532) 568 0716
Heures d'ouverture
Toujours ouvert
24 saat müşteri hizmetleri acıktır