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  • Pegasus Airlines

Pegasus Airlines

Pegasus Airlines
Adresse: Aeropark, Yenişehir Mah. Osmanlı Bul. No:11/A Kurtköy 34912 Pendik – İstanbul/TÜRKİYE ,İstanbul ,Turkiye
Téléphone: 0 888 228 12 12
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Pegasus is a leading low-cost airline in Turkey, which provides reasonably-priced transportation opportunities on point-to-point basis in short and medium range flight lines and aims to set up a wide flight network with high flight frequency for guests.
Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi A.S, which was founded as a joint venture company on 1990 by Aer Lingus Group, Silkar Yatırım ve Insaat Organizasyonu A.S. and Net Holding A.S., entered into commercial operation with two airplanes.
After being acquired on 2005 by Esas Holding A.S. owned by Sevket Sabanci and his family, Pegasus started scheduled domestic flights in November of the same year and became the 4th top among the scheduled airlines operating in Turkey.
According to the final structure of partnership after the Initial Public Offering; 34.5 % of shares are floating in Borsa Istanbul and 65.5% belongs to Esas Holding A.S, whereas the rest is owned by Sevket Sabanci and his family.
Fournisseur de services
Année d'établissement: 1990
Le site de l'entreprise n'a pas été défini