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Hip Joint Implant Cost in India

Hip Joint Implant Cost in India
عنوان الشركة: Ajanta Sea Breeze Society, Sector 14 ,Navi Mumbai ,Airoli ,India
أرقام الهواتف: 9325887033
موبايل: +91-9325887033
الإيميل: enquiry@tour2india4health.com
مندوب الشركة المخول :
Healthcare Consultant
منتجات صحية متنوعة
  • بيانات الشركة
  • خريطة الموقع
  • البوم صور الشركة
  • أوقات الدوام
Hip replacement surgery in India presents a compelling option for patients worldwide. The hip replacement surgery cost India is significantly lower compared to Western countries. Best price for hip replacement India offers the quality of medical services, adhering to international standards without compromising on. The Hip Joint Implant Cost in India is one of the lowest globally. The primary appeal for medical tourists is the combination of high-quality healthcare at affordable prices and minimal waiting lists. Joint replacement surgery services India is a highly trusted medical assistance provider, committed to delivering top-notch orthopedic treatment through our renowned expertise, thereby contributing to healthier and happier lives.
مقدم خدمات
سنة تأسيس الشركة: 2007
عدد الموظفين: 10
اللغات المستعملة في التعامل:
أوقات الدوام
مفتوح دائماً

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